Thursday, October 18, 2012


                                                                 Free Choice

If i could have anything in the world it would be a million of wishes Id share all my wishes ( ) LOL  just kidding id keep them all to myself. I would wish for a lot of things especially things that would benefit me now and in the future for me and my family.

If i were to run out of wishes id use my last one to ask for a million more wishes. Id keep doing that so id have wishes FOREVER! If anything i would make it a tradition for my family to kinda have good luck, Also so our family could always be wealthy and never have to suffer of anything weather its materials or food or anything besides that.

So if i could ask for anything in the world it would be for a million wishes. That way me and my family can be ready and set for our future weather its alone or with our family. We would never suffer and we would live under the best circumstances.

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